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Monday, February 20, 2012

Buyaku kebanggaanku

Buya itulah panggilan sayang kami anak-anaknya terhadap seorang lelaki bijaksana. Buya adalah sosok lelaki yang biasa menemani kami, sosok yang mengajarkan kami, dan sosok yang penuh misteri. Buya memberikan cintanya untuk kami. Buya tak memberi materi, tapi buya memberikan kami sebuah arti. Arti kehidupan, arti kasih sayang, arti yang sebelumnya tak kami mengerti. Aku sangat dekat dengan beliau, beliau selalu menemani aku ketika aku sakit. Hingga saat ini buya masih setia menemani aku ketika sakit. Buya sering memarahi aku jika aku main laptop tidak di tempatnya, buya sering memarahi jika aku sedikit makannya. Tapi, aku sadar itulah bentuk cintanya pada kami.
Sampai akhir usiaku ini, akan aku lakukan yang terbaik.
Dan kelak aku persembahkan untukmu.
Wahai buyaku.

Dedicated : My lovely father (Buya)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sekolahku, perubahku

"Aku gamau masuk asrama bu" teriakku
" Kenapa gamau? Kan asyik di asrama, bisa mandiri"
" Tapi, aku gamau bu. Aku pingin pulang-pergi aja, tinggal sama ibu, buya, dan adik-adik" air mata telah membanjiri wajahku
" Mbak, kamu anak yang paling besar, ibu sama buya pingin ngasih yang terbaik. Kalo kamu kamu pesantren ilmu agamanya semakin bertambah, kamu juga pasti tambah mandiri, kamu harus dewasa, biar bisa kasih bimbing adik-adik. Bukan berarti ibu sama buya ga sayang, tapi saking sayangnya ibu juga harus ikhlas pisah sama kamu."
Aku hanya terdiam, sambil terisak aku berfikir. Ibu benar, aku memang anak paling besar, tapi aku belum bisa terima harus pesantren. Aku mau ngelakuin apa aja, tapi aku gamau pesantren. Aku belum bisa pisah jauh, apalagi harus ke gontor. Membayangkan jauhnya membuat aku semakin tidak mau, tiap detik, tiap waktu aku selalu berdoa setidaknya aku lulus di MAN Insan Cendekia BSD. Ya, aku memang mendaftar disana lewat jalur beasiswa, bersaing dengan 4500 peserta lainnya untuk merebutkan 250 kursi. Jika saja aku lulus disana, maka aku tidak harus pesantren di tempat yang jauh seperti gontor. Jarak IC dengan rumah hanya 10 menit, aku bisa minta dijenguk kapan saja. Hari nan ditunggu, aku berdoa semakin khusyuk, kutengadahkan kedua telapak tanganku. Jika Allah sudah berkehendak maka apapun akan terjadi, qada telah berkata aku tidak lolos di IC. Dengan begitu pasrah aku menerima, aku masih berharap ada keringanan dari orang tuaku. Berbagai sekolah aku survey, salah satunya SMAN 1 Muncul entahlah apa namanya sekarang, aku menyerahkan nilaiku untuk tes kelas akselerasi (percepatan).

Sunday, February 12, 2012

My Beloved School

Aku seorang pelajar sekaligus santri di SMAIT+IBS Insantama, Bogor. Sekolahku bukanlah sekolah biasa tapi sekolahku adalah sekolah luar biasa. Dengan visi misi yang begitu besar, ingin menjadikan para siswanya menjadi sang juara dan calon pemimpin. Kami bukanlah pelajar yang manja, yang hanya menanti ilmu yang diberikan guru  , tapi kami pun mengejar ilmu dengan penuh usaha. Sekolahku tidak hanya menerapkan belajar indoor dalam kelas aja, yang terkadang bagi beberapa murid membosankan. Tapi, kami seringkali belajar outdoor, terkadang kami belajar di kebun rambutan, di lapangan basket, dibawah pohon, dan berbagai tempat. Layaknya sebuah sekolah alam. Selain dari sisi metode belajar, tapi pelajaran yang diberikan pun tak pernah luput dari Islam. Disini kami diajarkan Islam secara sempurna, mulai dari cara berpakaian, hubungan sosial dengan lawan jenis, dll. Kami dikondisikan di dalam lingkungan nan Islami, dengan maksud menjauhkan dari ancaman dunia luar yang bebas.
Sekolahku begitu luar biasa, akan ada banyak pejuang Islam dilahirkan di sekolah ini. Dakwah adalah hal yang sangat lekat dengan kami, dakwah adalah cara kami untuk menolong saudara-saudara di luar lingkungan kami. SMAIT Insantama ini baru berdiri pada tahun 2010, dan aku angkatan pertama di sekolah ini, sedangkan untuk SDIT berjalan 10 tahun, dan SMPIT sudah berjalan 4 tahunan. Suka dan duka berada disini menjadikan kami semakin dewasa dan kuat. Ibarat pohon kami adalah dahan yang kokoh, tak tumbang terhadap angin. Kamilah para calon pemimpin, yang kelak akan menaklukkan kegelapan dunia dengan sinar terang cahaya Islam. Allahu Akbar!!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

I present my love just for you

I present my love just for you

You Love me
Like a flower love command god
Have not tired to scatter  aroma happy
Have not tired to calm flame of nervous.
You love me
Like sun love command god
Have not tired let into a light
Have not tired warm up spirit
L.O.V.E is a language adolescent. LOVE is something make feel happy, sad, galau, etc.

Atas nama cinta kurelakan jalanku merana
Sampai engkau akhirnya denganku
Kubersumpah atas nama cinta

You definite know purpose of this song, yeah if this song for Allah, that’s good. But if this song for people (man) that’s so bad. Danger !!! lets use seftbelt for the world and the beyond. Look adolescent now much hold on hand, and etc.

In Holy Qur’an Al-Imran 31  
“ Say if you realy love Allah, its me. Certainly Allah favored and forgive your sins Allah great forgiver and great charitable”

You know Allah jealous if we lovely people than Allah? Yeah Allah jealous if we very love people, because Allah is creating people. So, if we lovely people than Allah that’s so bad.
We must give LOVE just for Allah, and we must love something because Allah. In order that Allah love us, and helped we when troubled.

“Snow White and the Seven Santriats”

Our Snow White Story: “Snow White and the Seven Santriats”

Re-written by: Rahmadani, Salma Fadhilah, Sobrina Fitriyah Ch (XI Science 2)

A long time ago, there was a child who called “Snow White”. She didn’t have a father. She had a stepmother but her stepmother was very good tempered. She was not bad and evil like stepmother as usual. She treated Snow White like her own child.
Snow white grew very beautiful, she became the most beautiful girl in the world. But what a pity, she was a bad tempered girl. She always got angry with her stepmother and treated her as a servant. After for a long time the stepmother tried to patient, her stepmother wants her Snow White be a nice girl and she would send Snow White to a girl only boarding school that would make her have a good attitude and manner.
After that, Snow White went out from her house to a forest. She didn’t want to school in the boarding school. Her stepmother sent a confidant to run after Snow White and pick her up back to their house.
Actually, the confidant is a bad and evil man. Snow White can easily asked the confidant to let her go because their same character. The confidant compromised with Snow White and let her go without any condition.
She ran and ran until she found a wood house and she took a rest in front of the house. From inside of the house, she heard a beautiful voice that read some Arabic language sounds like Quran. Snow white never read Quran, so she was very interest and she got into the house. Inside the house, Snow White found 7 girls who read the Quran beautifully. She became interested and she wants to study what inside of Quran.
Day by day passed, Snow White became more good-tempered. She was a shalihah girl now. The 7 girls who known as 7 Santriats of Pesantren Insantama (?), teached her more about Islam.
In her house, her stepmother tried and tried to find Snow White. One day, she tried to search about Snow White on internet with her iPad. She asked to Mbah Google: “Where is Snow White, my child, the most beautiful girl in the world?” And he answered: “I know where Snow White is, but she is not longer become the most beautiful girl in the world.” The stepmother shocked, and asked again: “Why? Is she got an accident that damages her face?” And Mbah Google answered again: “No, but now she is a most shalihah girl in the world. She is in the wood house in the forest with the 7 Santriats...” The stepmother became very happy and directly went into the woodhouse to meet Snow White. But it took days to arrive at the wood house.
The confidant that heard about that directly shocked. He disguised himself as a witch, took a poisoned apple and went to the wood house. He gave Snow White the poisoned apple to eat. And as soon as she bit the apple, she fainted. After gave poisoned apple to Snow White, he fallen. And the apple that he bring flung and swallowed. Finally the evil confidant man dead because he choked a poisoned apple.
Before Snow White’s stepmother arrives to the wood house, she tried to find the way to the wood house with her iPad’s GPS. Suddenly, Mbah Google said from the iPad: “Snow White is in danger, an evil man made your child fainted because he gave her a poison”. The stepmother said: “Oh my god! What must I do now?” Mbah Google answered: “There’s no medicine that can cure Snow White, except one.” she asked again: “What is that? Tell me now please!” and Mbah Google answer for the last time: “Its Habbatussauda, it can cure any disease except death…” And the stepmother’s iPad was turned off because ran out of battery.
In the wood house, the 7 santriats pray for Snow White awareness. A short time later, the Snow white’s stepmother came with Habbatussauda in her hand. After she gave it to Snow White, she opened her eyes and sat up with a smile. Everyone was happy.
Snow White hugged her stepmother. She was not bad tempered now, she was very shalihah and had much knowledge about Islam. She asked for her stepmother apologizing. Her stepmother was apologized her with pleasure. And then, she asked her stepmother to stay in woodhouse with her and the 7 Santriats to study Islam together. Snow White and her stepmother lived happily ever after…
The End J